Tid: Torsdag 30 mars 2017, kl 15:00–17:00
Plats: C307, Södra huset, Frescati
Postseminarium följer direkt efter seminariet i institutionens pentry.


This is work in progress. The Noun Phrase, or Nominal Phrase (NP) is almost a sine qua non for any work in grammar. This is also the case in Construction Grammar (CxG) as developed by Charles Fillmore, and in what I call Construction Discourse (CxD). In the Determination construction, the noun specification [cat n] can be accompanied by an indication, [proper -], that the construction does not license constructs where the “head” noun is a proper noun. Expressions like the Helsinki of the Moomin trolls are, however, clearly acceptable; and have been dealt with in CxG in terms of feature-changing constructions or as coercion. However, I want to argue that we need to set up what I call a Proper-Name-Phrase construction (NaP) in order to be better equipped to approach several recurring issues in grammar and in onomastics, e.g. the difference between apposition and epithet. Examples will (also) be from Finland Swedish and Swedish-language Finland.
Hjärtligt välkomna!
Calle Börstell och Ljuba Veselinova